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” “But why? Just because I left the shores of India? You know it is no longer taboo! And in any case you know my views on these meaningless rituals.My late aunt and her husband, from whom, as you know, I inherited my land, always had the greatest respect for your father and your late mother.But do you know why the sword was so special? The sword had an incredibly hard and sharp edge that could easily rip through the opponent s armour.As you know, PDS is a programme which provides food grains and other essential commodities at subsidised prices in rural and urban areas.Have you ever wondered where they are coming from and where they are headed? Do you know how they live and earn? What their past has been? Pastoralists rarely enter the pages of history textbooks.Do you know how they were averted?” Indrani Debi said with quiet confidence.As you know, all of us eat because of hunger, but we are also very choosy about foods.Do you know where the English term chintz comes from? It is derived from the Hindi word chhint, a cloth with small and colourful flowery designs.Then you know how much is possible and you reach out further than you ever thought you could.You know that opening capital can be worked out by preparing the statement of affairs at the beginning of the year.As you know, a good proportion of the world's population, even today, lives in forests and mountainous regions with hunting and gathering (economic activities) as their primary means of livelihood.” All right, what does he look like?” “Oh come on, you know what he looks like.When you see these signs, you know that winter is near.I met Taylor today at lunch in the club where he showed me your paper — I still retain enough interest in astronomy, you know — and he asked for my opinion before sending it to a professional referee.Did you know that the largest number of newspapers published in the country are in Hindi, followed by English and Urdu? India is the largest producer of feature films in the world.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English